Bring out your inner child! Ironically, Pedialyte can kick start your transition into retirement
Pedialyte! As a proud father of two little boys, it is “go-to” drink that helps re-hydrate kids when they are under the weather.
In Marketplace, “Pedialyte embraces its new customers: revelers”on May 15, 2015, we learn that Pedialtye has a whole new type of consumer: college students recovering from hang-overs. The same rehydration properties that help children get better also allow party goers an easier “day after.” Where was this when I was in college?! In discussing this fun article with friends, I learned that long-distance runners, too, use Pedialyte for rehydration.
As an executive or mid-career professional who might be considering a retirement transition, you have your own “Pedialyte.” You have a great set of skills, interests and experiences and that you can continue to use in your next chapter. To begin to think about using your “Pedialyte” in retirement ask:
What is your “Pedialyte”? – No doubt you have made many professional, associative and personal contributions to your colleagues, peers and family over your career. If you were to tease out the very best of your history, from what types of work do you derive the most enjoyment? With whom are you doing that work? For example, I worked with a law firm partner who valued his work in his church throughout his life and was able to transition into a role within church administration. He leveraged decades of pro bono work which was a thriving part of his legal practice.
Who is your “college student”? – Your skill set has multiple permutations and combinations waiting to be discovered by a new “consumer”. People (peers, friends, past colleagues, clients and partners you trust) who have supported you over the years, present opportunities for you to “re-introduce” them to your “Pedialtye” and what is important to you. They could be helpful in refining your ideas, making introductions and potentially even becoming a client! For example, I worked with a non-profit executive who started his own consulting business in retirement. To land his first clients he drew a great deal of support and initial referrals from community partners who knew him in his prior work.
As you work through these answers, start setting short-term deadlines – Instead of thinking about what you want to do in your retirement in 5-10 years from now, think about what that could look like in 12-18 months. Deadlines that are shorter in duration are always more achievable. For example, you might have a green thumb and consider locally owned farms as an area of opportunity for your retirement. Set a goal to learn more about the industry in the next 12 months by speaking with 3 farmers, attending 3 farmer’s markets and one trade association event.
No time like the present to start your retirement transition plans!
To learn more about making a retirement transition, watch my webinar, Back to the Future – Bring the Best of Your Past into Retirement.