A Wheaties – Microbrewery partnership encourages us to get out of our comfort zone
Wheaties! The breakfast of champions is now…the beer of champions. In Fortune, “Now you can have your Wheaties all day long”, on August 12, 2015, we learn that Wheaties has partnered with a craft brew house to create Hefeweizen beer called HefeWheaties. What do Wheaties and this beer have in common? Quite simply: wheat. This unique…
Read MoreBen and Jerry’s Motivates Us to Stop Procrastinating
Since 1978, Ben and Jerry’s, have been delivering “Vermont’s Finest” ice cream like no other. My personal favorite is Phish Food, and I celebrate my birthdays with a delicious Ben and Jerry’s ice cream cake. In Bloomberg Businessweek, “Why Ben & Jerry’s Launches New Ice Cream Flavors in the Winter” on January 13, 2015, we learn that Ben…
Read MoreBe Resilient Like Sam-I-Am!
Dr. Seuss can teach us all how to be more resilient. With two young boys, it has been a thrill to be re-acquainted with one of the best children’s books of all-time. The famous refrain “I do not like green eggs and ham. I do not like them Sam-I-am!” from Dr. Seuss’ Green Eggs and…
Read MoreBarilla’s pasta gets creative. Will you be as creative for your career “pasta”?!
Barilla. A family-owned company for 135 years that brings Italian delights such as pasta and sauces to the American consumer. Its variety of pastas has nutritious additions such as pasta infused with vegetables, white fiber, and whole grains. You really can expect more from your pasta. Barilla also expects more from you. The Wall Street…
Read MoreMind the gap – Strategies to handle a planned (or unplanned) leave of absence from the workforce
Mind the gap! This lovely phrase is used in the London underground to ensure passengers properly step from the platform onto their respective passenger trains without stumbling. There is such a strong career implication in this imagery, as passengers consciously understand and willingly do something slightly different in order to move forward. In 2012, professionals…
Read MoreBeing open to change is totally “kosher.” Talk to Manischewitz. Oy!
Manishchewitz. The tried and true American Kosher brand for 120+ years. If you are an American Jew, the brand is a constant symbol of kosher food for the Passover holiday, offering the basic staples of matzo, sweet red wine, and macaroons. It is the marketing equivalent of the “one trick pony”: one product set for…
Read MoreWatching Seinfeld with your friends and loved ones could do wonders for your career
Jerry Seinfeld has brought laughter to billions by finding humor in the ordinary and mundane through his stand-up comedy and legendary TV show, Seinfeld. Merely saying his name brings a smile to one’s face just because of his comedic gifts. The laughter he provides could be a boon to your career. The Washington Post, “Laughter…
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